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Schumer Slams Protesters

Senate Majority Leader Condemns Takeover of Columbia Building

Schumer Slams Protesters

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) strongly condemned protesters who seized control of a building at Columbia University on Monday. In a statement, Schumer called the protesters' actions "reckless and dangerous" and said they "have no place in our democracy." The protesters, who are demanding the university divest from fossil fuels, have been occupying the building since Monday morning.

Schumer's Remarks

In his statement, Schumer said, "I strongly condemn the protesters who have taken over a building at Columbia University. Their actions are reckless and dangerous, and they have no place in our democracy. Peaceful protest is a fundamental right, but it must be exercised responsibly. The protesters' actions are not only illegal, but they are also putting the health and safety of others at risk."

Schumer also called on the university to take action to resolve the situation peacefully. "I urge Columbia University to work with the protesters to find a peaceful resolution to this situation," he said. "The university must ensure the safety of its students and faculty, and it must also protect the rights of those who are peacefully protesting."
